Saturday, February 16, 2013

Top Ten Photoshop Errors

A big part of any professional photographers job is editing.  Photoshop is the most popular editing program. It can do amazing things, it can also make for some entertaining mistakes.  Here are the top ten mistakes I have seen recently...

1)  No belly button!?!?


2)  Oops!

3)  Little layering issue

4)  Extra hand

5)  Just plain weird

6)  Not quite a mirror image!

7)  Can you spot something not quite right here??? 

8)  Not to date myself but this reminds me of the imaginary dog fad...imaginary purse though.

9)  That's quite the realistic TV...she's literally coming out of it!

10)  Really?  How do you miss that?


  1. This is hysterical. This proves that in business an objective set of eyes should always be involved in the proofing process.

  2. Hi Heather,

    Some of these are pretty funny. I wonder why no one bother to correct these errors, since most of them are so obvious? These are also pretty easy to fix with swatches and brushing out the errors.

    Ho Hang

  3. This was awesome! Worth many laughs this Sunday morning. I suggest people google "photoshop blunders" and find more. Here is a link to one site, It has one of the pics you posted but I didn't see any other duplicates. I love the kids sausage hand on the cheese advert. Thanks again!

  4. That is hilarious. Thank you for sharing this. These are good examples to show how truly important it is to not only find a good graphic designer but also one with a keen eye for detail!
    -Elaine Leung

  5. I loved this! I take pride when I use photoshop and Adobe and I have to say these were all fairly obvious to me and I make sure of those items that someone seemed to miss. I guess I take too much time looking for whats wrong!

  6. Wow. These were some huge mistakes but it did provide for some humour in my day

  7. It seems more like somethings were missed due to urgent deadlines. The missing fingers thing I've seen in a Sony brochure too.

    As for the lady in the screen, I can think of nothing scarier than watching "The Ring" (Japanese Original) remade in 3D with the dead girl climbing out the TV!

    Thanks for the entertaining post.

